Leasing and Rental
Heavy Duty Truck Inspection: The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) unannounced Brake Safety Day that took place on April 25 of this year put nearly 1,600 vehicles with brake violations out of service.. CVSA holds brake-focused enforcement events throughout the year to identify and remove commercial motor vehicles with dangerous brake issues from our roads to reduce the number of crashes caused by or made more severe by faulty braking system performance.
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), large trucks involved in a crash where the braking capacity of the truck was critical were 50 percent more likely to have a brake violation than trucks involved in crashes where the truck’s braking capacity was not critical.
The following observations were made during this year’s inspection:
The U.S. conducted 10,074 commercial motor vehicle inspections
14 percent of commercial motor vehicles were placed out of service for brake violations
8,128 air-braked trucks and tractors were identified as requiring anti-lock braking systems (ABS)
10.2 percent of air-braked trucks and tractors had ABS violations
We fully inspect our trucks that are going for sale. Stop by at United Truck Sales or visit our website listings on truck paper.
When you buy a brand-new semi, it depreciates in value as soon as you drive it off the dealer, just as a new car does. And most of the depreciation that follows happens within the first months.
When you buy a used truck that's been "around the block" for several years, depreciation no longer becomes a real issue, making your investment in a used truck much more solid. In fact, used models hold their value as time goes on, more so than a new truck does.
This becomes a huge advantage when it comes time to sell, particularly if you have to sell soon after buying; you won't take as much of a monetary loss as you would when trying to sell a new truck.
Trucking isn’t just a career field for men. There are more than 200,000 female “long-haul” truckers in the United States.
The average small business semi truck driver can cover over 125,000 miles per year. That is more than 3 million miles over the average trucker’s career.
In a single year, American truckers throughout the nation can travel as many as 200 billion miles. Combined, they could have trucked to the sun and back around 1,000 times.
Owner-operators are the safest truckers on the road and experience fewer crashes than anyone else in the industry. Maybe it’s because they are responsible for their own repairs?
In the United States, the average length of a semi-trailer without the cab is 53 feet, and with the cab is about 70 to 80 feet. The maximum these trucks haul is 80,000 pounds. In Australia, however, “road trains” roam the roadways. Road trains are tractors with four trailers that are capable of hauling more than 300,000 pounds!
You had better be geared up to drive the big rigs, because these babies have an average of 10 forward gears and two reverse gears. Some trucks, however, have as many as 18 gears.
It takes approximately 55 feet for a large truck to flip a U-turn. In other words, it might be a good idea to be familiar with your route and pay attention while driving the big rigs.
Approximately 1 out of every 14 American jobs are in the trucking industry. That’s equals out to about 9 million workers.